Meet Hermes! This sweet girl arrived at MAC severely emaciated, and it was clear this girl had been through it. Our wonderful Clinic staff immediately started her on a special diet to help her safely gain weight and Hermes slowly but surely put on the pounds. As she gained weight and got to know our staff more, her cute and quirky personality started to show. She is actually incredibly playful, and becoming more so every day. She loves the company of other dogs and cats, and has even taken to being the ‘helper dog’ in our clinic, helping give moral to all of the pets she meets. While we’ve grown to love this sweet girl, she deserves a retirement home where she can live our her golden years, relax, and enjoy the finer things in life. If you think you could be Hermes happily ever after, stop by MAC and meet her today or visit the website!

Meet Hermes: Adopted
Jan 9, 2023 | 1:25 PM